Understanding the UPSC Syllabus UPSC Syllabus is the list of topics candidates must cover to pass the civil services exam. Acknowledging its contents and devising an effective study plan are vital components to succeeding at this highly-competitive exam. Prelims exam comprises two papers - General Studies Paper 1 (GS Paper 1) and CSAT Paper 2 (GS Paper 2). An optional subject paper carrying no marks, called General Studies Paper 3, may also be taken. Finally, Interview/Personality Test worth 275 marks will complete this examination process. Geography Geography is one of the most sought-after optional subjects for the UPSC Civil Services Entrance Exam and General Studies Paper 1 of its Mains examination, so it is vital to thoroughly comprehend its syllabus. Topics within geography range from geomorphology, climate science, oceanography and regional planning as well as environmental and sociological sciences - making Geography an excellent subject choice. Aspirants who wish t...
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